Sierra Grande basketball vs McClave has been postponed.
about 2 years ago, Matthew Lucero
Yesterday our MS had their local science fair competition. We want to thank Wendy Fischer& Clara Adams for her tireless work. A huge thank you to our judges for volunteering their time. Great work students!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Jones
Volunteer Science Fair Judges
MS Science Fair
Booster Club is selling SG themed merchandise! You can contact Loryn DeLeon at regarding purchasing and questions.
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
Two hats
Front of a shirt
A flag and plastic horn
Front of a shirt
Congratulations to our December Students of the Month. Forbes - Omar Espinoza Blanca - Remington McNeil Kinder - Jayley James 1st - Emma McCarn 2nd - Jamie Sanchez 3rd -Jaylah James 4th - Jayir Gonzalez 5th - Miguel (MJ) Chairez Keep up the good work Panthers!
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
Students holding awards on the stairs
Congratulations to Elle McCarn for placing 1st place on the Christmas Coloring Contest, sponsored by the Valley Courier!
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
Newspaper clipping of Christmas Coloring Contest Winners
Activities for the week!
about 2 years ago, Matthew Lucero
Activities for the week!
SGSD has been working with an educational consultant who helps advise educators, principals and schools on teaching styles and educational strategies that can improve students' learning. We are fortunate to learn from long-time teacher/principal Christy McBee.
about 2 years ago, Kevin Jones
Christy and SG teachers & Principal
Sierra Grande Community Night will be Wednesday, January 25th at 6PM.
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
community night flyer
Great effort Panthers! Final score SG 36- Cheraw 43
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Panther Basketball
Go Panthers
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Jv Boys
More wrestling pics
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Team results after quarterfinal round.
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Early team results
Tournament photos
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Good luck Wrestlers. Custer County Tournament.
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Good luck Lady Panthers!
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Lady Panthers
On Wednesday-Sierra Grande teachers had the opportunity to learn some engagement strategies to improve their instructional practices. Thank you Mrs. Jones!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Jones
January 11- Professional Development
Wrestling at La Veta. Good luck Panthers!
about 2 years ago, Brandon Mizokami
Assessment Schedule Spring 2023
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
Spring 2023 Assessment Schedule
Do you need help finding mental health support for your child? Check out IMATTER - a free mental health service for our youth. The IMatter program can connect you with a therapist for up to 6 free virtual counseling sessions (some in-person appointments available, too). This is completely confidential. If you’re 11 or younger, your parent or guardian must fill out the survey with you. Parents, seeking support for your child is not a sign of failure—it’s a sign of strength. Start with this link below!
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
The next Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, January 11th starting at 6:30PM. Please visit our BOE page for more information at
about 2 years ago, Sierra Grande School
Screenshot of board agenda